Monday, November 3, 2008

How To Put A Subwooper On 2004 Chevy Suburban

Kawka, the po właściwie filiżanka kawce pinged - jak zwykle. Spożyta pysznym i po wielkim (dzięki John) obiedzie Peniche w th the drodz Lizbony. Pamiętam doskonale Barek przy ten nuts, przepełniony przez nasz wycieczkę. Przy naszym stoliku dzielna brygada - Tomek, Martin, Arek on i ja oczywiście;) Oj tęskno tamtymi za czasy ...
27.10.2007, Peniche, Portugal

Coffee, Actually an empty cup - the Remain of dripped coffee - as always. Taken after a delicious and huge (thanks to John) in Peniche dinner on the way to Lisbon. I remember perfectly this bar nearby the harbor, overfulled by our trip. Our table at the brave company - Tomek, Martin, Arek and me of course;) I miss this team ...
27.10.2007, Peniche, Portugal

Cafe, a truly empty cup of coffee latte - as usual. Taken after a delicious lunch and great (thanks, João) em Peniche no Caminho couple Lisboa. Lembro perfeitamente perto esse bar to port, cheio por Nossa excursão. At Nossa uma mesa companha Valente - Tom, Martin, e claro que Arek eu;) Que Saudades Dessa pace ...
27.10.2007, Peniche, Portugal