Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Epiphone Casino Vs. Fender Telecaster

The picture of Polish-Brazilian coffee drunk in the city of Lodz (where apparently even running the dogs mind ...) Coffee, macchiato, unless ( In any event, the names were in Italian), the equivalent of the Portuguese pingado. How to Not-latin conditions are pretty good. And the coffee was a Polish-Brazilian, because the pita with a friend from the country i samby Pilkes nożnej.
Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008

In the photo to polish-style Brazilian coffee taken in the City of Łódź (where, supposedly, even running is Harmful for the dogs ...) Coffee macchiato, I guess (after WHERE all the names in Italian), so the Portuguese equivalent of the latte. The latin for the non-standard, was quiet good. The Brazilian coffee was polish-style due to Fact That Was taken with a friend from the Country of samba and football.
Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008

In the picture a Polish-Brazilian coffee taken in the Lodz city (where they say that even running is harmful to the dogs ...) Café macchiato, I think (at least the names were in Italian), so the equivalent of coffee latte. It was pretty tasty, even for the non-Latinos. Polish-Brazilian coffee was because a friend made with the country of samba and soccer. Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rare But Original Images

Nie wiem jaki
rodzaj kawy to byl, ale w strzelałbym pinged - w końcu to moja kawa w Ulubiona Portugalio. Tego raz pierwszy wieczór poszliśmy Champagne - klubu brazylijskiego, co zapoczątkowało zmasowane atake erazmusów nan. Przed Champagne weszliśmy in Kawe Black Market - niesamowity i nietypowy bar w centrum Aveiro.
Mercado Negro, Aveiro, Portugal, 27.01.2008

I do not know what type of coffee it was, But I Can That pinged suppose - after all it's my favorite type of Portuguese coffee. That night for the first time we visited Champagne - the Brazilian club, what was The Beginning of Erasmus massed attacks on it. Before we went to Champagne to take coffee to the Black Market - amazing and untypical bar in the center of Aveiro
Mercado Negro, Aveiro, Portugal, 27.01.2008

not know what kind of coffee was, but I suppose that dripped - and in the end it's my favorite coffee Portugal. Tonight fomos primeira vez couple ChampageRia - brazileiro um bar, que começou muitos dos ataques the Erasmus Nele (não sei se isso e correcto: P). Antes to ChampagneRie fomos tomar café no Mercado Negro - incrível e atípico bar no centro de Aveiro.
Mercado Negro, Aveiro, Portugal, 27/01/2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rice Krispies Calories

Cafe Americano from Star Bucks. Frankly I have no idea what is behind this name. Coffee was not very good, but you would expect from American coffee?
This cup drunk at Star Bucks in Madrid, close to Del Prado Museum on the occasion of the Easter trip to Spain in 2008.
Madrid Hiszpania, 15.03.2008

Cafe Americano from Star Bucks. To tell you the truth I have no idea what this name means. Coffee was not very good, But What Can we expect from the American Coffee? This cup was taken
in Star Bucks in Madrid, close to Del Prado Museum During the Easter trip to Spain in 2008 year.
Madrid, Spain, 15.03.2008

American coffee from Star Bucks. Actually I have no idea what that name means. Coffee was not very good, but what can we expect from American Coffee?
This cup was taken at Star Bucks in Madrid, near Del Prado Museum during the Easter trip to Spain in 2008.
Madrid, Spain, 15.03.2008