Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Epiphone Casino Vs. Fender Telecaster

The picture of Polish-Brazilian coffee drunk in the city of Lodz (where apparently even running the dogs mind ...) Coffee, macchiato, unless ( In any event, the names were in Italian), the equivalent of the Portuguese pingado. How to Not-latin conditions are pretty good. And the coffee was a Polish-Brazilian, because the pita with a friend from the country i samby Pilkes nożnej.
Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008

In the photo to polish-style Brazilian coffee taken in the City of Łódź (where, supposedly, even running is Harmful for the dogs ...) Coffee macchiato, I guess (after WHERE all the names in Italian), so the Portuguese equivalent of the latte. The latin for the non-standard, was quiet good. The Brazilian coffee was polish-style due to Fact That Was taken with a friend from the Country of samba and football.
Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008

In the picture a Polish-Brazilian coffee taken in the Lodz city (where they say that even running is harmful to the dogs ...) Café macchiato, I think (at least the names were in Italian), so the equivalent of coffee latte. It was pretty tasty, even for the non-Latinos. Polish-Brazilian coffee was because a friend made with the country of samba and soccer. Łódź, Łódzka Gallery, 10/10/2008


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