Thursday, October 8, 2009

Candida Glabrata And Pregnant

Aryan Brotherhood

Aryan Brotherhood (Aryan Brotherhood ) - the criminal organization operating in the U.S. prisons, and elsewhere in the states of Arizona , Texas, California and Ohio. Number of members of the organization is approximately 15 000 In March 2006 four Aryan Brotherhood leaders have been accused of numerous criminal offenses including murder, conspiracy, drug trafficking a dog fight. According to FBI data Aryan Brotherhood members make up less than 1% of the prison population but commit about 18% of murders in the prisons and other correctional facilities. [1] [2]

Despite the name out of the gang in their ranks and not white.


Organizationally Aryan Brotherhood usually occurs in the lower structures of the prison system. The largest number of members of the AB are in state prisons in Arizona and California.

Like most prison gangs, the Aryan Brotherhood has its own tattoos and symbolism. The most popular tattoos include characters such as 666, SS , cobweb on the elbow clover and other neo-Nazi or Celtic symbols. Outside the

Aryan Brotherhood members prisons are mainly engaged in drug trafficking, illegal prostitution , extortion and murder. According to federal data in recent years, AB began to cooperate with numerous gangs from areas of South Asia, mainly Thailand who smuggle heroin . In 1996 year Aryan Brotherhood was asked by John Gotti of murdering the person who carried out a failed attack on him. [3]


For the 60 years of the twentieth century prison in the United States were segregated divided into races. With the dismantling of segregation in prisons began to appear a number of gangs made up of different ethnic groups arriving at the prison and fighting each other. Aryan Brotherhood organization was created in 1964 years in state prison in San Quentin shares as a response to the Black Panthers organization . Originally, members of the AB were Americans of Irish descent. [4] whose representatives were often racially oriented and publicly expressed his dislike for other races, with the time the gang began to accept into their ranks, other non-Irish white and racially mixed people because of the profits they brought their nationality.

After a 20 month investigation, 23 June 2005 able Ohio, officials have FBI raid on six houses of members of the "Order of Blood." "Order of Blood" was a criminal organization controlled by the Aryan Brotherhood. As a result of federal departments, arrested 34 members AB. Also

2005, after more than eight investigations were arrested 40 members of the Aryan Brotherhood of which 30 had already been various judgments to his credit. The difficulty was the fact that some members of the AB was sentenced to long prison terms without possibility of departure so the prosecution demanded the death penalty for 21 members, but the prosecution was dismissed for 16 defendants. In September 1919 the criminals are not eligible to receive the death penalty was declared guilty of acts committed. In June 2006 year, there was to convict four major members of the organization. Two of the four members have been subjected to the vote by the jury for the death penalty but because of the indecision jury vote was lost. One member was sentenced to life imprisonment quad, two members of the triple life sentence without the possibility of all out of jail and awaits a sentence. The rest of the members are expected sentences.


Aryan Brotherhood organization is linked to criminal organizations such as the Mexican Mafia , Nazi Lowriders and Hells Angels .

The most ardent enemies of the Aryan Brotherhood include the Black Guerrilla Family , Nuestra Familia and DC Blacks.


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