Thursday, October 8, 2009

Population Groth In Regions Simcity4

death sentence ... Aryan Brotherhood

called Barry Byron Mills, but members of the Aryan Brotherhood, a prison gang, which shows him talking about a short and respectful - Baron. He has 56 years, but when his lawyer Mark Fleming tried to submit it to the jury as steranego your life in middle age, who wants only peace, reporters gathered in the courtroom to laughter. Especially that bit earlier Judge David Carter said Mills: - I will not tolerate evil glances in the direction of witnesses. The heads of
Aryan Brotherhood, which was launched in March, will go to U.S. history. The indictment lists 16 murders. I 16 attempts to murder. It's actually several coordinated processes in seven different counties in California. At one point the hearing would be too risky.
16 is the lucky number indictment. On the bench, prosecutors planted 16 gang members facing the death penalty. And a few others who can get a few hundred years in prison.
Baron and his closest aide Tyler "wreck" Bingham are doomed to multiple life sentences. Prosecutors could ask only one penalty - death.
Armed to the teeth with Barry Mills, the guards bring into the courtroom, and there immediately attracted by his one hand to the body and the body of the chain to the floor. Leave your other hand free to Baron could make notes in pencil. Aryan Brotherhood chief's guards did not unleash an eye on, because who would not remember what he also traveled with Dr. Lecter in pencil. Do not look at his picture too long, because there is a chance that you've been dreaming of and it will not be the sweetest of dreams.
Aryan Brethren in the U.S. say they are the best killers, which produced the country after the elite unit komandosach Delta Force. Gang was founded in 1964 in the notorious San Quentin prison. But only now drew up to him, prosecutor Gregory Jessner, mild vegetarian friendly face of a young man, and his heart one of the greatest hunters of gangsters in America. He has, inter alia, the breakdown of family Compton Coxes drug traffickers and busted two militant Jewish Defense League, who wanted to blow up a mosque in Culver City. Aryan Brotherhood rozpracowywaƂ since 1992 systematically and patiently, snacking during the breaks for lunch with Greek salad toast with brown bread.

Ministry of drug
Barry Byron Mills
went to the box in 1976. For a trifle - a bank robbery. Quickly became one of the leaders of the Aryan gang brothers. May 20, 1979 year in prison in Atlanta to cut the pieces of the first inmate. This is the reconstruction of the murder on the basis of the indictment: the victim's name was John Mazloff. John was a member of the fraternity, but disliked because ocyganiƂ another gang member at some drug transactions. Baron lured him to the recreation room. Excuse - he had to do Mazloffowi tattoo. But I made a knife from a broken fluorescent lamps struck far deeper than is required for such beautification of the body. John Mazloffa found in several pieces. The biggest capital
Baron was not manual dexterity, only the brain.
Already in 1980, Mills has created a three-member Federal Commission to effectively manage the gang. The Commission seemed either approved of the death sentences, death sentences suggested by the ordinary members of the gang. Also managed the drug business.
10 years later, interest has grown so that the Baron had also set up a dozen or so Council. In 1997, to improve governance, the Council shared the ministry of security, drugs, gambling and the economy.
Two years later, abolished the ministry of security - possibly no longer be needed. Aryan brothers in prison, no one jumped.
Baron and his henchmen were patient. In 1982 he was sentenced as a member of his gang of Thomas Lamb for the fact that he failed to kill on behalf of another prisoner and refused to try again. Lamb immediately afterwards was released from prison, but six years later when he went back to jail to a completely different prison there did not survive even a day.

evil corporation

indictment calls a spade a spade - Baron and company have created "enterprise" within the meaning of American law. They killed people and terrorized the entire prison for the pure satisfaction of the patient, or on a whim, but brilliant mind of Baron. But mostly destroyed the other for the money. The prosecution claims that the prison Baron commanded big business, gambling, drug distribution and the stable of assassins. Employ explosives specialists, chemists, lawyers and ordinary thugs. He recruited a gang of prisoners, which ended in judgments and were about to go free, to have armies of both sides of the bars. At least twice Baron gave the order to order the murder of mob boss John Gotti in New York. They must have been difficult cases, when Gotti was unable to cope with them their forces.
in U.S. prisons as long and wide so-called Baron traded fuck boys - sex slaves forced into prostitution. Taxes imposed for the gang on all the white prisoners who had any income.
heads the Brotherhood have done with the type of gang Mensa, whose members, instead of achieving great results on IQ tests have to be able to kill as efficiently as possible - at the behest of, unnecessary thinking. Reportedly, the gang tried to get Charles Manson, who commanded a band of murderers, Roman Polanski's family, but he did not. Was too soft.
One of the guards with heavy prison at Pelican Bay, where he sat many Aryan brothers, so talked about their activities: - They practiced several hours a day, without rest, push-ups, sit-ups as he could in four square meters. They rehearsed the also in removing the pain - they could knock out the joints to be released from their chains.
Aryan brothers on the orders of Baron perfected a style of street fighting with knives called gladiator style. Not only that, effectively, it is also very spectacular. Pageantry killing is important for the effect, which induces in the psyche of the observer. Brothers in prison libraries, studied the anatomy atlases to accurately hit: artery tear, puncture, liver, broken neck. Barry Byron Mills
was a brilliant psychologist and manager of his "business". Gang members gave the feeling that they are becoming the elite. To become an Aryan brother, you had to be introduced by another member, enter a period of apprenticeship, and finally make a solemn oath of loyalty and a declaration that he would give up their lives for the Brotherhood. Precision Brain
Baron could live off intellectually. The orders of execution for gang members have written themselves invisible ink made from urine (became visible after the heated sheet.) They used a code, which invented the philosopher Sir Francis Bacon. Quoted Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Tolkien and Hitler.
Only in tattoos gang went into banality. Here are their motives: three sixes entered in the swastika, the words "White Pride", drawing angry Vikings or Irish white clover. Baron came up with his soldiers very original, but the ominous motto: "Kill or die."

Wolf Hawaiian

To put the members of the Aryan Brotherhood before the Judge Carter, the four different institutions of public safety for many years carried out hundreds of hearings and over one hundred searches of homes and prison cells in 12 states.
It all began with a modest agent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (which combat crime associated with those goods) Michael Halualaniego. On Valentine's Day 1995, with two policemen had arrested Hinmana Russell, a member of Aryan Brotherhood, because he forgot to come back with a pass to the prison. I arrested. But first, Hinman fired agent and police officers, then tried to flee by car, even though he got two balls in the stomach. When I punched the car into a tree, crawled out from under him and hobbles, fired up and ran away. They found him until police dogs in an underground hideout in the bottom of one of the surrounding gardens.
- What kind of cyborg? - Michael Halualani thought. Since 1995, studied the hiding place of Aryans, contact points, followed the gang members who left the prison. He gathered most of the evidence used by the prosecutor Jessner. In light of this evidence defenders claim that the Aryan Brotherhood is an association formed solely to protect its members against black and Latino gangs, they sound a little pale.
While FBI agents are well dressed men in dark suits who work at least two of us (more or less those which we see in the movies), the agents of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are lone wolves in ordinary clothes, who, like fastening a investigate, it does not let go. Someone like this is exactly Halualani, half Japanese, half-Hawaiian, great surfer.
- prison gangs comes to power and doing business. At least the leaders, such as Mills. Ordinary corporals firmly believe in the racist ideas of white supremacy, and other ideological flourishes - it says "cross section" Ed Cohn, executive director of the American Association of Trade Investigators nationwide to combat gangs.
evidenced by the fact that it comes to money, is even that when it profitable, the Baron entered into strategic alliances with Latino gangs and once even a black gang El Rukins from Chicago.
What do all lawyers Mills? They demand the withdrawal from the trial testimony of witnesses Jessera prosecutor, ex-Aryans. The reason? Prosecutor supplied them to the prison money, televisions with cable, provide Internet access and DVD pornofilmami, eating in restaurants, and branded Nike shoes. For such a heavy prison rarities resident in the U.S. will give the remains of the soul, or testify, even under oath, that the UFO landed on the yard.
But the prosecutor claims that he had to use special measures. Because the game is about much at stake - about who will rule the American prison: Aryan brothers or guardians.
- prison gangs in the U.S. are also getting stronger because the U.S. prisons are increasingly overcrowded. The greater the concentration of prisons, the more crime and less sense is that any talk about rehabilitation. So far no action has helped to limit the power of gangs. Maybe now it will work, if you will be taken harsh sentences - said Ed Cohn of the shadow of hope in his voice.

Needless to say

It's August, 1997. Baron declares war on blacks. Short note stored urine: "War with DC." Note reaches Lewisburgu prison in Pennsylvania on Aug. 28. Later that day killed two black inmates there, two other goes to the hospital with gunshot wounds.
DC is an abbreviation of the name of a black prison gang - Black DC. The war of Aryans, the gang took four years. In American prisons were murdered a year after dozens of prisoners, mostly black. Aryan brothers were dreadfully inefficient. Although there are more than 10 percent of prisoners are on the account one-quarter all the dead behind bars in recent years.
reading of the indictment against the Brotherhood Aryjskiemu wildly demonstrates the effectiveness and logic of the gang. Here's an excerpt:
Paragraph 51: In June 1980 or earlier accused Barry Byron Mills said the Aryan Brotherhood member George Harpowi that manages to kill Robert Hogan.
Paragraph 52: Prior to June 8, 1980 George Harp said the Aryan Brotherhood associate member Everettowi Van Burkettowi that the accused Barry Byron Mills, Robert Hogan ordered to kill.
Paragraph 53: June 8, 1980 or earlier, Van Everett Burkett murdered Robert Hogan, asking his lethal blows with a knife.
simple chain of cause and effect: Baron did not have twice. The prosecution has no doubts - he deserved to die more than anyone else. But I do not know whether the execution Mills will improve the situation in American prisons.
death penalty expert, Professor Michael Radelet sojologii, says no: - Some gang members would probably just die. The people are the heroes of the execution. Just what form the legend? Ed Cohn
from National Association of Trade to combat gangs Detectives believe that you need to send Mills and his brothers to the other world: - The guy deserved it. And if they would kill him or not, it does not make much difference. He and this is already a legend.


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