Thursday, November 12, 2009

2010 Japanese Sharking

Bloopers (post) filmed

# 1 In the third part of the Robin Hood decided to wash the smelly long tights, even though everyone warned him against it. The next day, after the founding at the end of clean clothes. Then the team decided that his soprano Robin provided the voice for Marion.

# 2 after a day of filming the scene of the battle of King Arthur was one of the most cruel scenes in which extras they fell one after another. After long efforts stout minds set to mount a strut in the armor.

# 3 in The Lord Rings Gandalf did not want to change the Gandalf the White, because after many washings was still gray. Until you know where you came up with a special bleach (do not give a name because I did not want to pay for advertising), but no one knows exactly why along. Already after the first battle Gandek returned to its original form. This time we wanted to have a permanent effect is used more preparation. Therefore, in the fourth part will be the new Gandalf (Albino)

# 4 Harry Potter playing Quidicha swallowed that little flying ball, the first version did not heh spat out from the place just struggled with it all the way through digestion. During the first visit from a week in the toilet, you could hear the horrible screams throughout Hogwardzie. Another scene has been delayed by a week due to technical reasons.

# 5 Where did the destroying Superman Krypton mineral?
During the first test flight superman competed in the fog during the storm, although it osiągnoł great speed, and when he had to break through the clouds rumble of a passing plane pieprznął German airline Air Krypton. Because that would be stupid to put in the story superchłopa devastating plane decided on a meteorite (passengers, nothing happened , but it superziom looked like after a night at the bar)


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