Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sheepskin Crochet Baby Slippers

My green bathroom

Another series of snapshots from my house, this time a place of relaxation and the kingdom or any Panciana łaźnia.Moja is maintained in a green and white, because I adding that each room in my apartment, it is in another pallet kolorystycznej.Wszystko was on a improwizacji.Niektóre equipment into it originally had another use, such as the box-feeder for the birds, which served me for cabinet: P etc. .. long to write here. I plan to devote one day
post only cosmetics, which I like, but today is not the end, however pora.Na admit to a little crazy, which for some time at home and I'm addicted zdiagnozowałam.Otóż charmed cosmetics based on white or green tea as something I see this, then I skacze.Ponadto pulse like crazy stylized label and packaging on the "ancient". They have a lovely charm for me.

On this I finish this note arch wise and greet:)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Transporation Directions To120-55 Queens Blvd

Old house

Old houses have their own magic and their secrets, I live close to this one and I think he fascynuje.Nie constantly aware of its history, but it served me well for the background of these zdjęć.Cienka kurtczyna here that I have in the back is not a mistake in last Sunday there were 15 degrees on + ( Today Unfortunately, only 3, but it's February so there is no reason to complain). In this set when it comes to designs and accessories much going on, but it has to be separated, however, and without the jacket, then there is no truly nadmiaru.Paleta spring colors, because is a delicate green, other shades of green and delicate pastele.No and birds ... which trelami can be enjoyed from the window last spring .. Oh .. almost there already

nice weekend

jacket-Topshop-E bay uk
shoes-Pinnaple London
brooch with a bird-six
cardigan with birds-H & M (gift:))
trousers Primark

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quotes By Hipanic Women

My magic kitchen part 1.

As promised, I will show from the Birds Closet kulis.Dziś small part of my kitchen, where a lot is going on (as you probably can see, I do not look to the eater, and since my mom, even I like to cook, what once seemed cosmos and abstract). Reigns in her red and forest-fairy-tale themes, so it is warm and good people here czują.Dodam to the fact that everything was done on the basis of improvisation and little effort financial, thanks and accessories przytarganych Flohmarktu ideal apartment was the youngest seniors in Dortmund:) And seriously, kitchen is the heart of your home, you should be friendly, at least such a rule I wyznaję.Moja is quite spacious, therefore, presented photos of accessories do not make mega-kitsch , but quite in harmony with each other interact in different kątkach and corners.

greet and welcome:) Agnieszka

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Abnormal Bleeding And Pain In Thighs


decided to slowly incorporate my plan-changes in life and next week, if the result will, I'll post to mixed, on Wednesdays cosik of life, and on Fridays clothing that blog has not lost its original formy.Tak thinking about it and figured out:) (and zmałpowałam with blogs from the U.S. and A, as Borat would say) that the sections on life will be different means among other things * my hacienda (be surprised how many birds for me, thank God this is not stuffed), * the individual style of my friends .. (but it okrasiłam in words, our language so as who wears a:), as mentioned in the previous post, * what impresses me, * may hmmm .. my city and certainly in close-up my wardrobe.
So much przynudzania ...

photo was taken yesterday, here in the German Lands, is the last day and quite warm regards słonecznie.Co and clothes, as usual, is dominated by red, the novelty is the tunic with ballet dancers and a vintage bag (which gives off odor basement spa for rats:) because of the long aging in Kellerze grandmother Brunhildy X, which for me has become Flohmarkcie, ensuring that it was a miracle all the time at home. Well

smarter with new experiences, I must say this charming purse-Adieu ...

In connection with the immediate appeal of the bag, announcing that he would willingly just give it to someone (you must again pay only shipping from Germany, I think about 4 Euro). As it is now more willing, I suggest a little konkursik:) The e-mail ask for any fairy tale inspired styling and a week plus free bag of bird found a new owner of the cabinet.

nice week:)

beret-after Mom
TXmaxx tunic-jacket-troll

skirt-Zara shoes%

-vintage bag-grandmother Brunhild x-insidious Germanka:))) liebe grüße! He he

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Is The Best Wrestling Headgear


is going to be changes in my humble shrine, because it is still looking for their ideal aesthetic form of a blog, so I would like to make it a little personal element, namely, not only publish posts about fashion, but also a bit of my life, how they live and what I admire at the moment .. etc.No Well let's see what will come of it ..

brogue-uk golden cloak
Anastasia uk
cardi-H & M pants-Atmo

briefcase-vintage bike
and belt-vintage