As promised, I will show from the Birds Closet kulis.Dziś small part of my kitchen, where a lot is going on (as you probably can see, I do not look to the eater, and since my mom, even I like to cook, what once seemed cosmos and abstract). Reigns in her red and forest-fairy-tale themes, so it is warm and good people here czują.Dodam to the fact that everything was done on the basis of improvisation and little effort financial, thanks and accessories przytarganych Flohmarktu ideal apartment was the youngest seniors in Dortmund:) And seriously, kitchen is the heart of your home, you should be friendly, at least such a rule I wyznaję.Moja is quite spacious, therefore, presented photos of accessories do not make mega-kitsch , but quite in harmony with each other interact in different kątkach and corners.
greet and welcome:) Agnieszka
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