Sunday, December 12, 2010

How Long To Recover After A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

Santa is back in town..

As shown in the accompanying photographs, a native of winter fairytales do not come, sometimes it's dry the rain falls, sometimes a little snowballs, which immediately disappears, it is dark as a minimum in November, so it looks like winter in the event of Nordrhein-Westfalen .. .. How will you continue to see. . as is well known mountaineers from the wise, the weather always likes to play pranks. Forgive
crazy colors on the photographs here, but in this weather to get something in with the darkness, you must podtunigować .. .. But no matter Coats was purchased in the UK e-bay and crazy like him, dress is from 5 years old and comes from the Cracow Vero Fashion .. ahh Krakow (tear), shoes are probably Rylko and despite their nasty prices, before 3 years ago is not tempted to, because of their color and embossed floral motyw.Całość reminds me of Knecht Ruprecht (German sidekick Santa C.), or Santa's helper elf, because these two gentlemen liked to green and red ciżemkach.Mimo kapotach that, on a daily basis I deal with the serious aggravating things, and I have a job (thus it is hard sometimes to believe in the beauty and goodness of the world), in spite of everything I like from time to time, look frivolous and rozweselać kolorem.To the existence of such therapy on mood-often helps. .

Well now I'm finishing this agonizing and voila!

ps-I have the same coat for sale (gray), is available in my shop-birdscloset shop link under the description of my blog.

Płaczcz-F & F
dress-Vero Moda


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