Monday, February 7, 2005

Invitation Ideas For College Farewell Party

Father Bill ....

I am Bill Gates, who brought you to the land of milk and honey, called Windows XP.

first Thou shalt have no others before me, the producer.

second You will not use the name Bill to defamation.

third Remember to release Windows holy day.

4th Honor soft Microsoft and its developers.

5th Do not remove the Microsoft firmware vain.

6th Do not covet other people's products companies.

7th Neither our pirated Microsoft firmware.

8th Do not bear false witness to thy Windowsowi.

9.Nie covet your money guru, Bill the Magnificent.

10th Neither the whole company, which it is.

- - - - - - - -


Microsoft's Father, who art on disk

Windows Hallowed be Your

Come update your

Bugfix Be Your

As in Windows, Office, and somehow

MSNa our Give us today

And forgive us our piraty

As we forgive our Telecommunications

and do not know us, IBM

But deliver us from OS2

Because it is your DOS and Windows and NT

For ever and ever



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