Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Lacrosse Helmets Decals

Young comes to the HR Assistant (Recruitment), to his boss with a large file of documents: "I did pre-selection. These are the documents of the persons with whom we have a meeting, meet all criteria."
Head takes a file of documents, a field hand and measures the sru to the trash. The second part gives a subordinate "to those people we meet."
speechless assistant asks, "How?" ... Nay, they all meet the criteria ...".
"Please Lord - interrupts the head - we do not need people here who have been unlucky."

guy wanted to buy some predatory animal, lest it zagryzlo mother in law, but in the shop were only pelicans.
vendor said that they are extremely dangerous, so bought two for home. I decided to try out
- Pelicans on the table! Pelicans
totally rozpieprzyly table.
guy glad he continues:
- Pelicans on the chair! Birds
rozdziobuja chair. Suddenly
mother in law comes from the doorway and yells:
- A dick of pelicans?

elegant lady comes into the living room for Mercedes. Walk up to the latest sports convertible and bends to touch the leather upholstery. However, when schylaniu accidentally blew loud bittern ... Immediately she straightened up and looks around in a circle and nobody has ever heard. He looks, and just behind her stands the vendor. Asks So slightly embarrassed by it:
- Excuse me, how much is this car?
- Madam - is responsible vendor with a slight smile - you barely touched the car, and already you spierdziaƂa. as you give the price, this is Mrs. zesra ...

guy sitting at the bar and staring blankly at a glass of drink. Can see that in total depression. Suddenly it comes to the local bully, a big peasant of two feet, grabs a glass and drinks his drink in one gulp. Then the guy starts crying. Bully, in fact, a man of good heart, ashamed and tries to comfort him:
- Come on, man, I'm just kidding. Stop crying, just the attitude you a drink, or two ...
- No, not the point. You know, today I have the worst day in my life. I was late to the office and boss threw me out of work. When I got out to the parking lot, it turned out that someone stole my car. So I went home by taxi, which forgot wallet with documents and credit cards. I go home, and there - his wife in bed with the gardener. So I decided to go to the pub and after the second beer I came to the conclusion that life is meaningless. Then you came and you been drinking my poison ... _________________


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