Monday, December 21, 2009

Everyone Loves Raymond Kitchen Set

The Train

not think I have every time he rode a train somewhere, and he knows what emotions may be accompanied by and how not to hard; P
Recently as I rode the train, I witnessed quite interesting but a normal phenomenon;

Namely, I think two seats in front of me sat a very quiet boy, after a few stations, sat beside him for some fans of Polish football club, I will not say what ( I will say only that they went to Poznan, were heavily drunk and shouting, "Lech!").
entered into the conversation (as in a train)
fans: You're going to Poznan?
Boy: Yes
K: You are from Poznan?
C: Yes
Q: Do you like Jericho?
C: Well, a little
K: Oh. And you're going to Poznan ?
C: Yes
K: And you live there?
C: Yes
Q: And like Jericho?
C: Well, even *
K: ... Oh ... And this is now going to Poznan?

... ....

talked quite a long time so I
only thing I heard that the boy liked Jericho more hehe.
Train unity. " Everything good
those spinning his conversation, the boy loves Jericho
And suddenly SHOCK supporter asks a new question, normally I was so surprised if I saw a Neanderthal tying shoes.
question was:
Q: And do you like football?
C: I am not interested
And suddenly that silence on the train every fan waiting for what he will do i..
K: It's now going to Poznan?
And the same thing again so that the added question of the ball. This time the boy understood what was going on and said that he liked *.
* Train brings together people and nobody can deny.
wonder just why after you arrive to PoznaƄ train the boy ran out so quickly and without saying goodbye to the homies?


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