Monday, December 14, 2009

Pokemon Silver Cheats For Kigb

Pudzian vs. Najman

martial arts confrontations so far very little popular sport in Poland, and there is nothing to be surprised. I guess most of you have seen or even heard about the fight Pudzianowski from Najman. Imagine that some people bought specifically for this fight tickets and then waited three hours to watch the "fight night".
I was watching it on television. Overall, a very spectacular battles, but what is there to admire, just after the first game in Poland you can see something like this and that times hundreds of people.

But back to the battles, skirmishes (I do not know what to call it). Imagine the excitement a man waits and waits and starts in which everyone is waiting. Gong (Look yourself in the eyes of opponents, it took half the battle), I went ... And the end.

I thought to myself, "What is to ...?" Repetition
plizz he winked eye and half the fight I had not noticed. Regrets that it does not let go in slow motion because I have an ad takes longer. Well, but something let go and see.

What is Najman kick in another corner, until the poor fell (or maybe he wanted to pray to him Pudzian above did not hit, because his future as a father and a low voice, to damn it went on forever and ever AMEN)
Well, but it was poor It is a big want to integrate it in a mate.
And then I had a dilemma whether the judge has stopped walkę ?
TAK: bo mu po cholerę na macie nowy dywan
NIE: jeszcze gong nie ucichł po uderzeniu

Sędzia zdecydował, że przerwie i złapie Mariusza za rękę (Zła decyzja), przez co podczas zamachu wpadł do narożnika.

Udało się Pudzian się zatrzymał i po walce wyobraźcie sobie miny tych którzy wydali kupę kasy na bilet a tu dostali 44 sec. rzezi.

Nie wiem jak wy ale ja czekam na nową walkę Pudzianowskiego najlepiej z Gołotą (chyba lubi być bity). Jestem ciekawy czy zdążyłby uciec z ringu przed pierwszym ciosem naszego Strongmana.


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