Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hung Chatroulette Videarn

Give him a contrast

Give him a contrast!

Who am I? Man, I'm sure of that. Equally I am sure that some people badly estimated or judged me. Why do I think? Maybe it's because the same until the end I'm not sure what I am. Looking for ...
Some say that life is not black and white, they say that it is colorful. I agree with them. Black and white are the colors of it yet: P What am I going? Well, it happens I get that often from one extreme to another. In one moment I am an optimist, the other a pessimist, for some, as far as I'm smart, I'm a moron for others, sometimes I'm patient - sometimes not, some I can forgive a lot, can not forget the other one, the words spoken in anger. Why? This is not the slightest importance.
Suppose that someone has known me since birth. From the first day she is with me, talking. He knows me inside out. Knows if I behaved in a particular situation. Let's look at it from the other side - if this "someone" is able to predict the decision / behavior to czy rzeczywiście mamy tak do końca wolną wolę? Niezależnie jaką decyzję podejmiemy w życiu, po głębokim i szczerym namyśle, znając samych siebie stwierdzamy, że innej decyzji byśmy nie podjęli. Nawet gdybyśmy wiedzieli, że powinniśmy. Czy jest więc wolna wola, skoro to, jakie podejmiemy decyzje jest z góry wiadome? Nie mogę pomóc w odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Nie istnieję, jak zwykł powiadać człowiek który jest inspiracją tego wpisu a zarazem to jego cytować będę w dalszej części. Człowiek ten ma dość "mokrą" ksywkę, której ujawniać nie będę {czołem Jezior!) : P

Looking from a distance of yesterday

Black humor amuses me. I like flat jokes, jokes, racist, sexist, sectarian. I like both these tasty and the unpalatable. What am I going? To the fact that often people do not have the distance to life, to himself and to others. I personally do not offend someone zadrwi / joke with my membership in religious or of my beliefs. If it's a joke - good, if not - who cares, it does not hurt me do it. At this point I would like to appeal to the fairer sex for a greater distance:)
Yesterday ... how he used to sing YHM Jee ... Inspiration (hereafter IP). ... I sing ... when I heard the Beatles song of that title, I remembered that the music works well on memory. Well, when I heard the original execution of this great team as I remembered? Well, this daily, how a seemingly normal Yesterday. From singing IP can not get a thrill of delight as the choir występiu Santiago (do not scoff, I greet and congratulate him) but they would be yesterday Linked below IP, sorry Greg, I do not zmienisz.

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Jaka jest reakcja czytającego IP te słowa? Za pewne kwituje je myślami "a co to to" hah i tu cię mam… Padłem ofiarą tego wirusa. Mówię to prawdopodobnie częściej niż pomysłodawca, zaraziłem tym rodziców i pracuję teraz nad bratem. Nic nie wskazuje na to, żeby tekst ten miał mi się znudzić. Z mojej strony mogę poradzić, że gdy nie możecie sobie z czymś poradzić bądź macie głęboko w "sercu" co ktoś do was mówi, powiedzcie sakramentalne już niemal "a co to to", będzie easier and certainly more cheerful.

Like IP, said, "once - not always my posts are so long, as I said I" and what it is that it is 4:21, Dec. 30, since I can not sleep a Show off. Finally time - not always, "so it's time finish. But what am I going? This is, of what kind of people live life and how we do it exerts a tremendous influence on us, we become less predictable for the other. It may, however, is such a thing as free will? Maybe ... Remember to always leave the door open for the life of another possibility, again, instead of polishing his ferrari, drive a bus. It's only 25 stops and 30 minutes late.

At this point I need someone to wake the arrow, I'll take someone random from the list, and so I do nothing ...
Bo and what you can ... And yes I have cancer

So the winner is ...

And no no, it's not over yet. Returning to the distance to each other and humor, the most rozwalającym "wyzwiskiem" in my direction was "rozjebusie": D so far I laugh when I hear it: P maybe because it's like I heard "Bus": P

already 4:30 ... Time flies fast. So fast that my teacher, my senior + / - 20 years can safely be described as "old as coal"

Okay, seriously now it's time to go, to "attack a horse," although the doctor ordered "to give calm the animal, "but" what is "I will not listen anyway because I have cancer.
BTW and so it pushes IP in a cast that he sit for so long: P


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