Friday, January 21, 2011

What Tie Color Goes With A Grey Shirt

Dust on The Ground

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, I must admit in the pages of my blog a little crazy ... without which there would be this post:) Well, how can not we all know, the temple of debauchery that is cheaper Primark opened its doors ( some time ago) on German soil (read Frankfurt and Bremen) .. And I peeled myself the goal of Bremen, since it is only 1.30 min away from my place of residence .. When I got there already rather than enjoy the sights and marvelous architecture .. and you need to add here is a natural beauty city, went like this to "hour" for the Waterfront Gallery, which incidentally is spaced about the center of light years .. I though it was not easy to find a place, the roadmap was my bag of Primark, which is filled with the city (of which tourism grew by 80% due to the shop:))) and I also contributed to boost the statistics ... When I got there, it my consciousness and reason have gone over to "off" mode and my heart jumped, and hormones like J. Depp saw the 90s .. Similar hypnotic properties noticed in the rest of zoombich designed for anointing in this "magical place" from which it could not go Only with full siatami but not very thin wallet:)). I have experienced this frenzy, when the first in a wave of euphoria .. God is just "1, 2 and is only 3 euros" napakowaƂam bags as "an old Bedouin and by that I'd become suddenly poor:) very poor .. but my mind is found among rajtek for 2 euro, and having done brutal selection .. this shirt here and a few other goodies, I managed to bring from my trip, "the golden fleece"

recommend it to everyone:))) he he is a transcendental and an unforgettable experience because, as Adam Mickiewicz wrote in Forefathers' Eve, "who has never touched Earth can not be in Heaven, "just what is what?

Primark I miss you my love;)

Coat-Influence UK Primark
-shirt (5 EURO)
Shoes-Pinapple London
Bag-New Yorker
cardigan-H & M shorts
-Atmosphere (sh)
watch- Gift

ps-I love these birds, cardiganki (mint and pink) from the new H & M
All things that appear in the pictures are in the white powdery pink -Cardi, shirt, bag and shoes ..


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