Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Gall Bladder Excessive Urination


One professor doused always those who do not attend wykłady.Wchodzi a student, the professor said that he did not see the lectures and puts his cock, but clever student said he went to lectures, so that always sat behind a pillar. He got third The next several students said the same thing, getting a third In the end, Professor angry and hung on the door: "All the pillars are already in use!"
two blondes are standing in the elevator one says: - Call the elevator! Blonde exclaims: - Elevator, Elevator! The second blonde says: - Not so, the button! Blonde grabs your button on my blouse and said: - Elevator, Elevator !

passenger in the plane of the speakers you hear the voice of the pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, please do not fret, we have little tolerance. Please go to the left side the plane and look through the window. People go on the left side, the plane tilts, a pilot: As you rightly pointed out, the left engine burns. A small panic on board, but, from what is a second engine ... For the moment, however, again the voice of the pilot ... Ladies and gentlemen, and now calmly, slowly, please go to the other side of the plane and look through the windows ... People are already pretty upset run to the other side. As you can see ladies and gentlemen, the second engine also burns ... Panic on board. Ladies and gentlemen, and now I look down. All przylepili the windows and stare. As you can see below us can enjoy a large, beautiful lake, and in the middle you will see a small yellow pontonik ... From a small yellow pontonika, spoke to the State crew of the aircraft.


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