Monday, November 29, 2004

Exotiv Female Dog Names

In a newspaper, a department job announcement appeared that the police is looking for people to work.
notified the three blondes. The position was one. It was decided, so choose that one by a small test.
- There you go, here we have for you pictures from the profile of this individual. Please tell us as much about him, what will you arises, some observations.
- Jesus! He only has one ear! • Kandydatce thanked. The other received the same command.
- Jesus! He only has one ear! • This also fell below expectations. A third candidate was asked.
you go, here we have for you pictures from the profile of this individual. Please tell us about it as much as you can say about that person on the basis of the image.
- This man wears contact lenses.
Commission looked amazed. Checked in the documents, actually.
- Well, great! Congratulations! You're adopted. But as you are deduced?
- It's easy. This man wears contact lenses, because I can not wear glasses.
- But why?
- Well, how is it? Well, after he has only one ear!

*** I'm going by bus, not too loose, but I have a seat. You have to give a ticket to be deleted. In addition to facing the man. How to ask him - "You" or "Lord"? The bus is express. If a man does not get out at the last stop to say, that goes to my neighborhood. He travels with flowers - say to the woman. Flowers carries beautiful, it means that and she is beautiful. In our neighborhood there are two beautiful women - my wife and my lover. To my lover man can not go because I'm going to it. I mean, that goes to my wife. My wife has two lovers - Waldemar and Peter. Waldemar is now in the delegation ...
- Mr Peter, could You erase my ticket?

guy phoned the company to pump the Bear Gardens. After half an hour the doorbell. Opens, and there's little old man with a shotgun and a small dog.
- Please show me the place of action - said the old man.
Bear sat high on a tree. The old man said:
- The Plan: I go to the tree. Flips hard. The Bear falling and Fafik - this dog specially trained - a bear comes by, grabs it firmly by the balls and the teeth of a bear is ours.
- A shotgun ... What shotgun? - Asked the owner garden.
old man handed him her and said:
- If I accidentally dropped the first, you need to shoot Fafik IMMEDIATELY!


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