Monday, December 13, 2004

Puppy Epilepsy Symptoms

I can sing

travis student (black) by bus to the dorm, sitting and reading a script. All of zajęte.Wchodzi lady and becomes near Murzyna.Zniecierpliwiona says: - We are such young men are giving way to the elderly. Negro looks up above the script and answers: - A us such a woman eats it!

policeman stopped the truck and it will .- No mandate, Mr. kierowco. You have no retro-reflectors. The driver gets out of the car and silently .- I care about what's right, there is no glare? - Asks the policeman. - Pal devil glare - is responsible driver. - Where's my trailer?

Lady asks students to bring their pet to have shown its tricks. On the second day children bring their pets: dog brings Asia, which knows how to tap dance, Joey brings a snake, what he hung motionless from the ceiling, and Johnny brought a frog. Ms. goes to Johnny and asks are: - Harry, what your frog can? Johnny hit the table, and a frog: - Qua.Pani asks again:-Johnny, what can your frog? Johnny once again struck the table with a frog: - QUA.Pani again asking Johnny : - Johnny still does not know what your frog potrafi.A Harry hit the table again and the frog: - Quanta, namera ........


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