Thursday, January 6, 2005

The Climax Of Flowers For Algernon

Viva Polonia:)

first day of school before beginning of the lesson, the student teacher przedstawianowego U.S. Class: - This is Sakiro Suzuki Japonii.Lekcja starts. Teacher Says: - Well, we'll see how you deal with history. Who can tell me whose tosłowa: "Give me liberty or death"? In the classroom silence as poppy seeds sown, only Suzuki raises his hand and says: "Patrick Henry in 1775 in Philadelphia." - Very good Suzuki. And he said: "You are the people, the people perish niepowinni so? Again rises Suzuki:" Abraham Lincoln in 1863 in Washington. "The teacher looks at students with reproach and said: - Shame on you. Suzuki is Japanese and is familiar with American history lepiejod You! The class fell silent, and suddenly heard someone whisper loud - Kiss my ass pierprzony japończyku .- Who said that? - Shouted the teacher, Suzuki raised his hand at waiting ibez recited: "General McArthur, 1942 in Guadalcanal and LeeIacocca 1982 at a general meeting in Chrysler." The class became silent and still could only hear a low whisper: "I want to puke ... "- Who was that? - Shouted the teacher, as Suzuki quickly replied: "George Bush Sr. to the Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka in 1991 podczasobiadu." One really has wkurzonych students stood up and said sourly: - Obciągnij my dick! For a teacher resigned tone-This is the end. Who this time? "- Bill Clinton to Monica Levinsky in 1997 in the Oval Office in BiałymDomu - Suzuki without a quiver," said Okan to another student stood up and shouted-Suzuki is a piece of shit! What Suzuki - Valentino Rossi in Rio for Brazilian Grand Prix rokuKlasa in 2002 was completely falls into hysterics, faints gdyotwieraja teacher by the door and enter the Director-Damn, this brothel is I still do not widziałemSuzuki: - Deputy Prime Minister Leszek Miller to Hausner's budget committee meeting wWarszawie in 2003. ***

Flying a plane, and the people of different nacji.Nagle something goes wrong and the plane begins spadać.Pilot announced that the machine you need to offload, so bagaż.Samolot thrown back to the previous rate, but has not gone a quarter znowucos nawaliło. People look after themselves, who sacrifice to save fellow up and pop out. (Consternation) suddenly jumps up and tells Americans that if Batman, Superman and Spidermanto Americans he may be a Hero, and drank whiskey with barkucala, flew all the blondes and shouting "FOR UNITED STATES!" wyskoczył.Wszystko back to normal, but then it all together powtórzyłoTym Frenchman stood up and says that if Americans mógłto he was too. He drank all the red wines that were in the shoulder, flew all brunettes and shouting "Vive la France !!!"- wyskoczył.Po soon the situation repeats itself, and everyone's looking naPolaka. Pole looked around, said: "Why not?" Wzruszyłramionami, drank everything that was in the shoulder and its own inventories, flew EVERYTHING was moving and screaming "LONG LIVE MOZAMBIQUE !!!"...... threw negro.


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